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Unit 5 


Unit 5 was all about creating sound. My goal was to create a sound which would fit into a game. I started to think about what I would like to hear when paying a game and what the audience would like to hear. I thought about me saying 'Start' and 'Finish' because then you would be able to know when you are aloud to start and finish. I knew I was going to create this because I thought it was very effective when creating a game because of the timings on when to go and stop.



Another sound I created was implemented between the two words which were Start and Finish. This sound was of the wind and I created this sound because I thought of a game which would be outside and one thing that can be guaranteed when being outside is wind, so I created the wind effect by blowing into my microphone heavily and lightly so that it would have a effect on people like they are outside.



Once I created my sound I had to evaluate it. so first, I discussed the most useful and least useful bit of research. once I had discussed these I had to comment on what my weaknesses were and I can improve them to make my work better. 




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