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Unit 1 


Unit 1 was all about apps and how to design an app. Firstly, I had to research what makes a good app successful. The two examples I spoke about was Instagram and YouTube. 


After that I had to design some detailed screens which will be the app prototype. After I have produced the detailed prototype screens I needed to think of who my target audience who be. I decided my target audience was going to be anyone aged 13-50. This is because I was creating a water app and I thought only people aged 13-50 were more likely to have a digital phone and be interested in that specific app.


Following on from producing the prototype I had to make a questionnaire that includes quantitative and qualitative questions. The reason I did this was because I wanted there to be a questionnaire that will be answered very easy specifically. Then I needed to find out what genre best describes my app. 





Unit 2 


To start off unit 2 I had to analyse semiotics and genre in any media product and take a similar approach to my app. Then I had to use the questionnaire that I made in Unit 2 and let someone answer it that is in my target audience

Also when I was working on unit 2 I had to make a wire-frame and a Gantt chart. this helped me to know how my app was going to look like and the Gantt chart helped me how I was going to manage my time.

After I created my wireframe and my Gantt chart it was time to create the poster.


The image below shows my poster:


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